Hip Wah has thrived for four decades with our community's participation and generosity. Fundraising helps ensure our program remains affordable and provides for special cultural assemblies, our library, the music program, and field trips.
You can help us in several ways:
1. Let us know of philanthropic grant opportunities,
2. Let us know if you or your employer can offer a product or service for our annual fundraising,
3. Support us with a financial donation through PayPal, Venmo @HipWahSchool, or by check to:
Hip Wah Summer Program
2648 International Blvd
Ste 115 PMB 73
Oakland, CA 94601
The Hip Wah Summer Program sincerely thanks 谢谢 our 2024 program year donors:
Francis Bird
Doris Cheung
Cheung-Hill Family
Oliver Chin, Immedium Books
Linda Chung
Heather Hanly
Hooi-Miller Family
Thomas Howell
Judy Jang Jan
Lisa Kang
The King Family
Michelle Ly
Catherine Payne
Red Oak Realty Opportunity Foundation
Claudius Reich
Surichamorn-Lewis Family
Sze-McCune Family
Uta Tsai
Zhu-Phu Family
Hip Wah was a 2024 recipient of the Red Oak Realty Opportunity Foundation grant which supported special assemblies by visiting Chinese cultural programs.
Hip Wah has also been a recipient of a Bridge Association Realtors Community Foundation Grant which supported prior assemblies by visiting Chinese cultural programs. The Wa Sung Community Service Club has also awarded Hip Wah with grants previously which have funded new musical instruments and library books.